TONIGHT! Smartphones and Social Media Presentation for Parents

Join us Tonight (JANUARY 10th) at 7pm via Zoom
Smartphones and Social Media: Why Waiting Is Best (and What to Do If You Didn’t) – A Presentation for Parents” 

Before you buy your elementary or middle schooler a smartphone, you’ll want to hear this presentation. One of the biggest sources of stress for parents today is around giving their kids smartphones and social media, and then managing the fallout. As a busy parent, do you:

  • Know about the new, safe (and less expensive) alternatives to smartphones?
  • Wonder whether and when to give your child a smartphone or access to social media?
  • Know the latest research showing the many ways smartphones and social media harm your child’s mental and physical health, development, and physical safety?
  • Worry about social media algorithms addicting and manipulating your kids?
  • Want to learn concrete, specific digital best practices and solutions we can all adopt for healthier and safer kids?

Perhaps this tech is already a source of friction or stress in your family?  

If so, please join local parent Jeremy Joseph for a Zoom presentation on Tuesday, January 10th at 7pm geared towards busy parents and caregivers of elementary and middle school kids where he will help answer these questions with the latest research, expert opinion, and universally recommended best practices. Jeremy has presented to over 400 families at 8 different local schools so far this year, and fellow parents and principals have commended Jeremy’s presentation for being clear, concrete, and actionable.