Back to School Reminders – The Countdown is On!

Good morning Lafayette Families! 

We are about 10 days away from welcoming students into our classrooms for an incredible new school years!  As always, there is a huge amount of information to share to get us all ready to go!  Below is a list of “things to know”…please read carefully and use it as a resource!  The HSA has also created this handy “Back to School Checklist” for families.

Garden Tools Needed to Borrow

We are cleaning up the Bear Garden with the help of 45 GW student and need to borrow your gardening tools for the weekend of 8/26! Sign up to lend gardening tools here! Check out the countless other ways you can help out and volunteer for the HSA

Class Activity Fee
Each year, we collect a one-time payment from each child to pay for costs associated with field trips (buses, etc), field day t-shirts, and end-of-year parties for each grade level.  In 2022-23, we will be rolling over unused funds from previous years. If you have questions, please read our FAQs here.   Pay Your Class Activity Fee

School Supplies

Students in grades K – 5 should plan to bring their school supplies with them to school on the first day.  We have a system for brining them into the building – not to worry!

Parent Huddles Thursday, 8/25 – students and families are welcome!

  • 6:00 – 6:40 – A – F
  • 6:45 – 7:25 – G – O
  • 7:30 – 8:10 – P – Z

During the Huddles, I will go over the following topics:

  • Drop off and Pick Up procedures/Using the drop off line
  • School Lunch Details
  • Aftercare/Flex drop off and pick up procedures
  • COVID procedures
  • Emergency procedures
  • Day 1 Logistics (school supplies, parent coffee, etc)

Families will also be able to tour the building and see where their classrooms are located (although not go into the rooms).  I will post the powerpoint slides to our website after the Huddles.

COVID Procedures for 2022-2023

This week DCPS released their current COVID guidance. Bookmark for the most up to date information.

  • Take a COVID-19 test before the first day of school and upload your results to the portal. We will distribute tests on the following days/times:
    • Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or on
    • Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Students in grades K-5 will need to take a COVID-19 test on Sunday, August 28
  • Pre-K students will need to take their test on Wednesday, August 31.
  • Visit com/testingto learn more about how to have a safe return, including how to take a rapid test and upload your test results.
  • COVID Guidance at a Glance:
    • Masking is optional
    • If a student tests positive, they must isolate for 5 days.
      • On Day 5 they may take a test – if negative, they can return on Day 6.
      • If positive, they can return as soon as they test negative or after 10 days of isolation, whichever is sooner.
    • If there is a positive case in a class
      • The classroom will receive a notice that there was a positive case
      • There are no required quarantines.
      • The class is not required to mask, but it’s always an option for students/staff
      • All cases at the school level will be reported on a website (
    • There is no asymptomatic surveillance testing this year.
    • If a student is symptomatic at school, they will need to be picked up and will be sent home with a rapid test.

Medication Drop Off

Nurse Vella will be accepting medications starting next week for early drop off. Please consider making your family’s first day of school less hectic by ticking this box ahead of time! She will be available from 8:00AM-4:30 PM M-F of next week. 
Please remember we require provider orders for ALL medications, including over the counter and topicals. There are no “stock” medications in the health suite; all medications must be provided by parents. Medication and treatment orders are valid for one year from the date they are written. The medication form can be found here: DOH Medication and Treatment Form
Please remember that prescription medications must have the original pharmacy label and the order must match the label. Over the counter medications do not need a pharmacy label, but they do need to be unopened, in the original packaging and match the order. (i.e. the medication plan says to administer 10ML Motrin PRN, but the medication provided is in tablet form–this cannot be accepted). Please also double check your medication’s expiration date before bringing them in!


Grades 3rd – 5th Team Teachers

            In 3rd, 4th and 5th grade our teachers teach in teams.  This means there is a teacher who teaches reading/social studies and a teacher who teaches math/science.  Wondering who your child’s team teacher is?  See below!

3rd Grade

Reading/Soc. Stu Math/Science
Ms. Vessa Ms. Skubel
Ms. McArthur Mr. Howard
Ms. Willimann Mr. Rosas
**Mr. King teaches all subjects

4th Grade

Reading/Soc. Stu Math/Science
Ms. Ratliff Mr. Matthews
Ms. Cobb Ms. DeLorenzo
Ms. Dalton Ms. Martin

5th Grade

Reading/Soc. Stu Math/Science
Ms. Wojats Ms. DiRenzo
Ms. Taylor-Calhoun Ms. Cantu
Ms. Cassidy Ms. Bell

Specials Teachers Update

Students will all have “special subjects” each day that include art, music, PE, etc.  Our schedule is run on a 6 day schedule.  Your teachers will explain all you need to know, and your students will help you too!  For example, Art may be on Day 3 (not Tuesdays).  Below is the breakdown of which grades get which specials and the amazing teachers they will have!  Want to know more about the teachers?  Visit their bios on our website:


Art Ms. Perll
Music Mr. Brockman
PE (twice per week) Ms. Braswell
Library Ms. Leese
Peace Classroom Teacher



Art Ms. Perll
Music Mr. Brockman
PE (twice per week) Ms. Braswell
Library Ms. Leese
Peace Ms. Sampedro/Classroom Teacher
Technology Mr. Gregal


1st Grade

Art Ms. Perll
Music Mr. Brockman
PE (twice per week) Ms. Braswell, Ms. McClure, or Ms. Dunleavy
Library Ms. Leese
Peace Ms. Sampedro


2nd – 5th Grade:

Art Ms. McLaughlin
Music Ms. Gemar
PE (twice per week) Ms. McClure or Ms. Dunleavy
Library Ms. Leese
Peace Ms. Ryden
Spanish Mr. Foley
Technology (3rd Grade only) Mr. Gregal


Whew!!!  So much information, but all so very exciting!  As you are planning your last final days of summer, be sure the following dates are marked on your calendars!

  • 8/19– Teacher’s First Day Back!
  • 8/25 – Parent Huddles; 6 – 8 pm (Please attend according to your student’s last name)
    • 6:00 – 6:40 – A – F
    • 6:45 – 7:25 – G – O
    • 7:30 – 8:10 – P – Z
  • 8/26 – KDG Teacher Meet and Greet; time TBA
  • 8/27 – New Family Popsicle Social
  • 8/29 – Student’s First Day of School (K – 5th)
  • 9/1 – PreK students’ First Day of School
  • 9/7 and 9/8 – Back To School Nights

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone soon!!! 

Dr. B