HSA General Meeting

Both dinner and free child care will be available. 6:00 PM: Pizza for sale ($1/slice), comes with salad, dessert and beverage 6:30 PM: General meeting commences We hope this new format will allow us to eat, conduct HSA business and get everyone home by bedtime. Chi Omega, an American University sorority, is volunteering their time […]

Picture Day for PK, 1, 2 (except King), 3, 4, 5

Individual and class pictures will be taken on this day for PK, 1st, 2nd (except Mr. King), 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Please see the photographer's flyer for more information on how to order, tips on what children should wear, etc.

Potomac Pizza Night

Please come out to enjoy great food, good company and help raise money for Lafayette! Either bring the flyer, or tell your server that you're there to support Lafayette Elementary, and they will donate 20% of your check to the school. Potomac Pizza is located at 19 Wisconsin Circle in Friendship Heights. See flyer.

Walk to School Day

All students are encouraged to walk or bike to school on this day to promote good health and less traffic congestion.

Picture Day for Kindergarten and Mr. King’s class

Individual and class pictures will be taken on this day for Kindergarten and Mr. King's class. Please see the photographer's flyer for more information on how to order, tips on what children should wear, etc.

Student Count Day

Please make sure your child attends school today. DCPS will be counting our students, and our funding depends on making sure all students are counted.