Counselor/Parent Pick-Up Group

All parents are welcome to join counselors Jillian Diesner and Rashida Moseby for a discussion group covering topics of interest to the parents attending. Subjects covered may include bullying, Internet safety, school friendships, homework, healthy eating, ADHD, etc. Parents should come the to the counselor's "Oasis" on the second floor.

Annual Auction Party

Our theme this year is "A Night in Monte Carlo." Please see our auction page for details about this important event.

Interntet Safety Talk

Lafayette cafeteria 5701 Broad Branch Rd, Washington

As our children become exposed to the Internet at increasingly younger ages, many parents have concerns about cyber-safety. Join us for a presentation led by an area non-profit organization that strives to help children grow up safely using technology and the Internet. See flyer for more details. Questions? Contact Jillian Diesner.

Potomac Pizza Night

All parents are invited to come out for pizza at Potomac Pizza in Friendship Heights. It's a fun way to hang out with other Lafayette families and a portion of all dine-in or carry-out proceeds benefits the school.

Parent Discussion: HSA Budget

Lafayette cafeteria

We invite all parents to an informal discussion to talk about next year's HSA budget. We will begin our budget planning process in April, so we would like to get your input in advance. This is your opportunity to give us your thoughts about any changes you'd like to see in how HSA money is […]

Counselor/Parent Pick-Up Group

All parents are welcome to join counselors Jillian Diesner and Rashida Moseby for a discussion group covering topics of interest to the parents attending. Subjects covered may include bullying, Internet safety, school friendships, homework, healthy eating, ADHD, etc. Parents should come the to the counselor's "Oasis" on the second floor.

Basketball Banquet

Lafayette cafeteria

Banquet and awards dinner for the basketball teams.