Calling all 1st Grade Parents!

The morning drop-off line is staffed by Lafayette parents, and each month we ask parents from a specific grade to volunteer. The drop-off line for December is assigned to 1st grade and will begin on Friday, December 1st. For those of you not familiar with this volunteer opportunity, it involves showing up at 8:25am at the Northampton St entrance of school, helping the kids out of the cars as quickly as possible beginning at 8:30am, then sending the cars on their way. It ends when the school doors close at 8:40am. Please arrive promptly at 8:25am as we have recently had issues with no one being there at 8:30 when the drop-off line is supposed to start. The line happens rain or shine. There will be a Lafayette teacher assigned to the line each day as well and they can answer any questions you have. It’s a really easy way to volunteer your time and it provides a valuable service for the school. Please consider signing up for a few slots this month via the link below so that we can ensure full coverage. Ideally we’d have four volunteers per day, but look for those slots that have two or less volunteers. Next month will be assigned to Kindergarten. Thanks so much for your help and if you have any questions, please email Alison Lapointe at .
If you are using the drop-off line, kids should only exit the cars on the side closest to the school. Please do not get out of your car, and if your child is not ready to get out of the car, pull through the line and find a place to park to drop off.
Thank you!