We have revised the HSA’s ‘Pink’ and ‘Blue’ slip requisition process and have moved our payments processing system online. Now all ‘Pink’ and ‘Blue’ slip requests will be processed automatically using Bill.com.

To request reimbursement from or expenditure by the HSA for approved expenses incurred or anticipated on behalf of Lafayette Elementary School, teachers, administrators, HSA members/parents, should now submit an email to lafayettehsa@bill.com.

Please include a subject line indicating that this is a “request for reimbursement” , and what the reimbursement pertains to. In the body of the email, please include an image of the receipt, the dollar amount to be reimbursed, itemized list of purchases and the account from which it should draw either the HSA account (previously pink slips) or Class Activity Fee account (previously blue slips).

Please indicate broadly the nature of the expense item so that it may be tracked for budget purposes. For example, reimbursements include:

  • Teacher Supplies
  • School Supplies
  • Library
  • Art Supplies
  • Auction Expenses
  • Fall Festival
  • Hospitality

Please note: ONLY Lafayette Teachers and Administrators may instruct payments from the Class Activity Fee Account.

Once payment has been approved, you will be sent an automated e:mail by Bill.com inviting you to input your bank details for ACH transfer, or to indicate that you would prefer to be paid by check. Processing fees for checks are expensive and given the volume of payments requisitioned by the community, we ask that you consider supporting secure direct deposit payment method if possible.

All requests will be reviewed by the HSA finance team, which is made up of parent volunteers. You can expect a response within two weeks. Please direct any questions to 1stvp@lafayettehsa.org.