January Mental Health Team Newsletter

The Lafayette Mental Health Team (MHT) is excited to share this month’s MHT Newsletter discussing the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service! 

This month’s edition (English and Spanish versions) outlines suggestions of how to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the MLK Day of Service established in his honor.

The MHT newsletter has links to learn more through other resources and to look for upcoming Lafayette Gives Back events that will take place throughout an expanded “MLK Month”! 

The Mental Health Team has many supports for students up and running. These include lunch bunches, targeted individual and group supports per IEP/504 plans, and the following general education support groups:

  • Banana Splits (for students of parents who are divorced or separated, grades 1-5)
  • Pride/SPARK club (diversity and social justice, grades 4-5)
  • Book Club (grades 2-5)
  • ASL Club (grades 2-5, in conjunction with Brianne Burger, parent volunteer)
  • SEL Legos Club (grades 3-5)
  • She Reigns (Girls of color grades 3-5)
  • KING (Boys of color grades 3-5)

We are enjoying having fun with students and interacting with them via these groups. If you have questions or would like more information about a group please reach out to any member of the Mental Health Team: 

 – School Counselor for Grades 3-5

 – School Social Worker for Grades 3-5

 – School Counselor for Grades PK-2

 – School Social Worker for Grades PK-2