Dear Lafayette Families –
Welcome to 2024!!! We have started the new year with joy and care for one another as we returned to school. This week we have celebrated Martin Luther King Jr day, had a much beloved snow day, and a late start! Winter is officially here!
January and February are gearing up to be great months together. Academically, we will spend the month of January checking in on student learning progress with middle of the year assessments. You may hear your teacher refer to “MOY”….which is the affectionate short hand for “middle of the year”! Every grade level utilizes a combination of tools to check in on both reading and math progress. That window is open through January, which means you can expect updated reports to come home in the beginning of February for iReady (math and reading), and DIBELS (reading for K-1). As always, if your child’s teacher has any concerns about how your student is progressing, they will reach out to you.
Save the date for the upcoming Winter Concert on Thursday, 1/25 at 6 pm and 7 pm. The students in band, concert, and show choir have been hard at work and are excited to perform for everyone!
Also, next week on Wednesday, 1/31, the LSAT will be hosting a community budget engagement event. This is your opportunity as a parent or community member to share your priorities and feedback in advance of the quickly upcoming DCPS budget season and HSA budget season. Join us virtually from 7 pm – 8 pm!
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
In other family engagement news, – HSA Board recruiting is here! We will need 2 co-presidents, as well as several other board member positions. Our success as a community is dependent upon our HSA leadership and volunteers. We cannot do this without you!!! Please reach out to our volunteer coordinator at to discuss how you can help as co-president or in another role.
The HSA Board is reaching out to ask for your help. One of this year’s HSA Co-Presidents has stepped down and we need to fill this position as soon as possible to avoid reducing HSA’s programs, funding and activities. We also will need a second co-president to step in for next year and will be advertising open HSA board and event/program co-chair positions this spring.
Our teachers and staff make Lafayette the special school that it is, but HSA fundraising efforts provide critical support to arts, science, clubs, classroom supplies, library, scholarships and more. Did you know the HSA is providing funding for a new Special Olympics team or that HSA pays for the recess coaches and half the peace teacher salary?
Please reach out to our volunteer coordinator at to discuss how you can help as co-president or in another role.
Finally, a quick note about head lice. During COVID, we saw a significant decline in the frequency of head lice (mostly non-existent) for a variety of reasons. Now that we are back to “normal”, with sleepovers, activities, closeness, hugs and school in general, lice is back. As a parent, I understand the amount of work it takes when someone has lice. Our hope is to work together to educate ourselves in how to efficiently, and promptly, address any cases to try to limit the spread. Please see this note from DCPS with some helpful information. If we all work together to monitor our students, treat aggressively, and continuing monitoring it is our best resource in minimizing this nuisance. Please don’t hesistate to reach out to Nurse Lawson () or me () with any questions, or helpful hints.
Here’s to a great set of winter months with several great community events! Don’t forget that Friday, 1/26 is a “No School” day for students – it’s a ½ day PD day and ½ day records day for staff.
Stay warm and safe!
Dr. B