Lafayette in Bloom: Thank you

Thank you to everyone who came out in a celebration of community and support for the school this past Saturday. With your help, Lafayette in Bloom raised more than $170,000 towards the resources and programming that enhance the Lafayette experience for all of our children.
We still have a few items without bids and some kid and parent parties still with openings. We also added a few more spots to sold out parties like Oktoberfest! Visit to sign up!
We have a long list of people to thank for making this possible starting with everyone who showed up to attend, bid on items, donate items, and volunteer their time to create such a wonderful evening. We couldn’t do it without you!
Special thanks go out to:
  • Sheri Lockwood and Laura Tischler for serving as Auction Co-Chairs and planning such a lovely evening. 
  • Pam Wye for being our Auction Headline Sponsor 
  • Molly and Colin Murchie for their work on auction communications and for serving as auctioneers.
  • Lauren Messinger, Abby Levine and our other solicitation volunteers for their outreach to secure auction items.
  • Morgan Grove for serving as Teacher Experiences Coordinator and our wonderful teachers who generously donated class experiences.
  • Erin Walsh, Olympia Meola, Kevin Walsh and our Class Creation volunteers for helping put together and display the art, and Ms McLaughlin, Ms Perll, and our young artists for their class creations.
  • Racheal Coard for her graphic design work. 
  • Michael Alderfer and the decorations and check in volunteers for making the night a success.
  • Olympia Meola, Sarah Chatzkel and the website volunteers for their work on the auction website.
  • Chris Morgan for video production. 
  • Brooke Hindes, Rachael Overcash, and Beth Maglione for serving as Parent and Kid Party Coordinators and for all of our wonderful party hosts. 
  • Shaanti Kapila and the distribution volunteers for getting auction items to the right people.
  • Dr. Broquard, Mr. Denmark, and the rest of the administration and staff for their help in making the auction possible.