The Lafayette LSAT will meet on Wednesday May, 15th from 7:30 am – 8:30 am via Teams. The link is below. The agenda is as follows:
May 15th LSAT Agenda
- Update on elections for LSAT and HSA
- Reflect on the topics discussed and successes of the LSAT
- Share goals or ideas that were unable to be realized this year that the next LSAT may want to continue
- Prepare a transition plan for the new LSAT (Assign LSAT members to work on the transition plan)
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
As a reminder, all LSAT meetings are open to the public. However, the only meeting participants are the elected parents, staff, and community members.
Would you like to have a question or issue addressed by the LSAT? Drop your question here.