The Last Full Week of School is HERE!

Dear Lafayette Families –

What an amazing Field Day we had on Friday!!!  It was “pict-ionary” perfect.  Thank you to all of our parent volunteers, our INCREDIBLE PE teachers – Ms. McClure, Ms. Braswell, and Ms. Dunleavy – and ALL of the teachers and staff who helped make the day possible.  Field Day is easily one of my favorite days of the year, and this was a great one to be my last here at Lafayette. 


While this is not my “farewell” note just yet…it is my “thank you for a lot of things” note.  Thank you to all of you who were able to join us Wednesday for my Goodbye party, and to Maitland and all of the parent leaders of past and present.  As I listened to the recount and retell of all the things  we have experienced, accomplished and endured I was pretty speechless.  I could not be prouder of the work we have done together from (literally) the ground up.  Thank you to all of you who helped make it possible for the 5th graders to present me with the class quilt.  It was beyond special and there really are no words.  The Kudos board has brought more rounds of chuckles, rememberings, and tears.  I am so grateful that I was able to share Wednesday evening with my girls and my mom, as well as with the staff and parents who were able to join. 


I also want to take a quick moment to publicly thank my two assistant principals who have stood with me side by side.  Ms. Mayhew has been with me at Lafayette for all 10 years.  Ms. Bosurgi joined us as a 3rd grade teacher 8 years ago, and then as an assistant principal 7 years ago.  While they are not always the public face, they are always the bedrock of how we plan and execute on the incredible things we do across the building.  I could not have done this without both of them.  Ms. Mayhew will be continuing on at Lafayette while Ms. Bosurgi will be transitioning to a new DCPS school.  The Lafayette community is richer thanks to both of them.   


With all of that being said, we have one more full week of school!  This week we have several field trips and end of year parties.  We also have 5th grade promotion on Wednesday, 6/12 at 11 am.  Don’t forget, the last day of school is Monday, 6/17! 


I look forward to seeing many of you in passing to share our goodbyes and thank you’s for all of your support!  As Principal Prall and I hand off the baton, you should expect summer updates and opening plans to come from her.  She is well positioned to carry on the greatness that is Lafayette. 


With love (and more tears!),

Dr. B