The Lafayette LSAT is preparing to advise Dr. Broquard about budget priorities for the 2023-24 school year. The Lafayette HSA is also preparing its budget. As part of the process, both the LSAT and HSA hope to hear what is most important to our community members. As the budget process moves forward, cuts may need to be made and your feedback makes a difference. Please complete the survey to share your LSAT and HSA priorities by this Friday, February 3rd.
The LSAT advises the principal on the school’s DCPS budget which covers costs associated with personnel (teachers, aides, administration, office staff) as well as professional development and certain technology and other supplies. The HSA budget, which comes from the Bear Fund, sponsorships, and events like the annual Auction, traditionally has helped to fill gaps left by the school’s DCPS budget. HSA funding does not pay for personnel, but covers costs of classroom supplies, extracurricular programming, support for the Peace and Recess Programs, and teacher appreciation, among other things.
For more information about the budget process, please see this recording from the January 25 LSAT General Meeting.